Prime Minister's Office

The Prime Minister's Office carries out official duties of the Prime Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and provides necessary guidance, coordination facilities and leadership to achieve economic and social development goals in accordance with the government policies.

Moreover, the Prime Minister’s Office provides necessary leadership and guidance to fulfill the aspirations of people while standing by the side of them in the hour of need with great enthusiasm and commitment. It provides regular assistance in policy making and also necessary contribution, guidance and coordination through a people centered approach to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It plays a crucial role in maintaining diplomatic relationships and international relations, through facilitating negotiations, conducting high level diplomacy with foreign leaders, countries, states and representatives and coordinating the efforts of various government agencies and departments involved in foreign affairs.


“An independent, sovereign and prosperous Sri Lanka”


“To provide the necessary leadership for an excellent government mechanism with good governance, maintaining an effective coordination between States, Foreign missions, United Nations and Non-Governmental institutions in order to realize the aspirations of the Sri Lankans and improve their quality of life”

The Future of Children Depends on the Attitudes and Actions of Teachers. - Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education & Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya

The future of all children is determined by the attitudes and actions of teachers, and the teacher-student relationship must be of the highest quality, stated Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya.

The Prime Minister made this statement this morning (15) while participating in the 25th anniversary celebration of the National College of Education in Kopai, Jaffna.

Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya further elaborated on her views during the event:

A high-quality education system is essential to achieving our national aspirations and fostering a truly civilized and developed country. We have initiated the process of implementing qualitative reforms in the country’s education system.

Every child, irrespective of gender, must have access to a high-quality education. This is the objective of our government.

No child should be deprived of the right to education. Every student entering our education system must develop the confidence to integrate into society and face the challenges of the future world.

We are tirelessly working to transform this vision into reality. Teachers play a crucial role in this journey. Ensuring a high-quality education and a conducive learning environment for children depends entirely on the competence, commitment, and attitudes of teachers, as well as the quality of the teacher-student relationship.

Teachers have the power to significantly influence the lives of children. Whether they hinder or nurture a child’s future is determined by their attitudes and actions.

Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya emphasized that all graduates of the college, as future educators, bear a profound responsibility. Teaching is not merely a profession but a noble vocation, and the future of children—as well as the future of the nation—rests in the hands of teachers.

Following the event, Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya and other officials conducted an inspection of the facilities and identified existing shortcomings at the college.

The event was also attended by Fisheries Minister Ramalingam Chandrasekar, Northern Province Governor N. Vedanayagam, Secretary to the Ministry of Education Nalaka Kaluwewa, government officials, college faculty members, students, and other distinguished guests.

Prime Minister’s Media Division

Our aim is to provide a high-quality education to every child in Sri Lanka. - Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya

"Our responsibility is to cultivate ethical and capable leadership in society through quality education."

The Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education, Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya, emphasized the necessity of providing a high-quality education to every child in Sri Lanka.

The Prime Minister made this statement while participating in an inspection tour of Jaffna Hindu College on January 15.

During the visit, the Prime Minister engaged in a cordial discussion with students and teachers and toured the school’s museum, which showcases the institution’s rich Hindu cultural heritage.

A report outlining the school’s achievements and activities was also presented to the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister further stated:

"Jaffna Hindu College is one of Sri Lanka’s most prominent schools, with a long-standing history. The report detailing the school’s achievements is highly commendable. The transparency demonstrated in the school’s financial management serves as an exemplary model for other institutions. As a government, we prioritize education and are committed to introducing transformational reforms in the sector.

As the Principal highlighted, the prevalence of tuition classes has significantly increased. We acknowledge that the tuition industry has flourished due to shortcomings in the education system. To address this, we must ensure that schools provide an exceptional standard of education, reducing the reliance on tuition. Our objective is to offer a high-quality education not only to students of Jaffna Hindu College but to every child in Sri Lanka.

We have held discussions with education officials in the Northern Province regarding the implementation of educational reforms. Our responsibility is to ensure that education fosters respectful, ethical, and capable leadership for the betterment of society."

The event was attended by Minister Ramalingam Chandrasekar, Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education Nalaka Kaluwewa, the Principal of Jaffna Hindu College, members of the teaching staff, and students.

Prime Minister’s Media Division

Teacher training education provided through training colleges has remained unchanged for 15 years. – Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education, Dr. Harini Amarasuriya

Enhancing the professionalism of teachers and equipping them with modern educational knowledge is a priority of the government.

Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya stated that the teacher training education provided through the college system in Sri Lanka has remained unchanged for the past 15 years. These institutions play a vital role in shaping the educators responsible for the future of the nation’s children.

She made these remarks while addressing "PULATHISIYA THARUNAI" the Pulathisipura National College of Education celebration, organized by the College Alumni Association at the Teachers Training College of Education, Polonnaruwa, in commemoration of its 25th anniversary.

As part of the proceedings, Prime Minister Dr. Amarasuriya unveiled a plaque featuring the logo of the Pulathisipura Faculty of Education and ceremonially planted a Na tree within the faculty premises. In addition, the entire academic staff, including Deans who have served from 2000 to 2025, were recognized for their contributions to the institution.

Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya further stated:

“This marks my first official visit to a Faculty of Education in my capacity as Prime Minister. The government has accorded high priority to the education sector, recognizing that genuine national transformation is contingent upon fundamental changes within the system of education.

The education reforms that we will implement from 2026 are not mere superficial adjustments; they are designed to cultivate individuals who are both intellectually competent and morally grounded, capable of thriving in the contemporary world.

The quality of education is fundamentally dependent on teachers. While the government may introduce advanced educational technologies and world-class curricula, the ultimate outcome is determined by the strength of the teacher-student relationship.

One of the major shortcomings of previous education reforms has been the lack of a structured mechanism to ensure that teachers receive the necessary training and knowledge to meet evolving educational demands. Our foremost objective is to elevate the professional standards of teachers and to provide them with comprehensive training and development opportunities.

It is imperative to reflect on whether the current standing of teachers in society is satisfactory, and whether individuals entering the profession feel a sense of pride and fulfillment in their role.

Teaching is a noble profession that holds the power to shape or hinder the future of a child. For Sri Lanka to achieve meaningful national transformation, it is essential to cultivate a cadre of educators who possess the competence, dedication, and responsibility required for such an undertaking. However, we must ask whether our teacher training colleges currently provide the necessary environment, resources, and infrastructure to facilitate such an education. I am here today to observe and assess whether these conditions are adequately met.

There has been ongoing discourse regarding the elevation of teacher training colleges to degree-awarding institutions. While structural modifications may be implemented, the more pertinent concern is whether the academic content and curriculum uphold the requisite standards of excellence.”

Following the conclusion of the formal proceedings, attendees participated in an exhibition featuring creative works produced by trainee teachers and conducted an inspection of the college’s facilities.

The event was attended by the the Chief Incumbent of Kanduruwela Jayanthi Temple and Chief Judicial Sanghanayake of the Northern Province, Venerable Kanduruwela Dhammapala Nayaka Thero; Deputy Minister of Housing Development, T.B. Sarath; Governor of the North Central Province, Wasantha Jinadasa; Member of Parliament, Padmasiri Bandara; Secretary to the Ministry of Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education, Nalaka Kaluwewa; Dean of Pulathisi Teachers Training College, M. Chandrasiri Perera, along with senior government officials, distinguished alumni, students, and other esteemed guests.

Prime Minister’s Media Division

Our aim is to create an education system where children do not fall behind or get lost through educational transformation. - Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya

Our aim is to create an education system where children do not fall behind or get lost through educational transformation, said the Minister of Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education, Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya.

The Prime Minister stated this at a meeting held at the Polonnaruwa District Secretariat on February 14 to discuss the issues facing the education sector in the Polonnaruwa District.

The Prime Minister further commented, " Something needs to be done for children who are falling through education No child should be allowed to fall through the cracks. However, vocational education should not be seen as merely a remedy for struggling students. That is not how we should think about vocational education. Vocational education should also be a part of education. Vocational education should be open to a child within the school education system itself.

Not everyone needs to become an engineer or a doctor. A well-balanced society requires a diverse range of professions, skills, and competencies. Those paths should also be open in the education system. We have proposed an education system that opens up such career paths.

We have proposed an education system that broadens the direction that students can take, especially from the Grade 9 onward. Career choices should be based on interest and ability, not simply on academic limitations. Choosing to become a doctor should be important. However, careers in fields like agriculture, carpentry, and other skilled trades should be equally valued. This change needs to take place both in the education system and in society. That is our goal.

It is not something that can happen overnight, we are trying to establish an education system where no child will be left behind within the next ten years. To achieve this, we have developed a comprehensive program that includes curriculum reforms, infrastructure development in schools, enhanced training for principals and teachers, and to get the active participation of the public. "

During the meeting, the Prime Minister also addressed several pressing concerns, including, Shortages of principals, teacher advisors, and teachers in Polonnaruwa district schools, Lack of essential school equipment, Issues related to school buildings and infrastructure, Student absenteeism due to economic hardships and Damage to school properties caused by wild animals.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Housing T.B. Sarath, Polonnaruwa District Parliamentarians Padmasiri Bandara and Sunil Ratnasiri, North Central Provincial Governor Wasantha Jinadasa, Ministry of Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education Secretary Nalaka Kaluwewa, Polonnaruwa District Secretary Sujantha Ekanayake, North Central Provincial Council Chief Secretary J.M.R.P. Jayasinghe, Zonal Education Directors, and other officials.

Prime Minister’s Media Division

Prime Minister inspects Kaduruwela Trilingual School under construction

A visit to inspect the current status of the Trilingual National School under construction in Kaduruwela, Polonnaruwa with the assistance of the Government of India and a special discussion on the future work of the school was held under the leadership of Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya on 14th February.

The Prime Minister’s attention was drawn towards the construction work of this school, which was being built with the aim of providing education to all children representing all ethnic groups and religions in the region, had been slow for several years.

The construction company pointed out that the front building, which is being built under Indian Government funds, is completed up to 75% and the remaining work will cost about Rs. 150 million. The second building, which is being built with Sri Lankan Government funds, is completed up to 40% and the remaining work will cost about Rs. 400 million.

The construction company’s engineers informed the Prime Minister that the school will have facilities for 1600 students to engage in educational activities. The school is planned to be designed to include special education units, language classrooms, e-learning classrooms, hostels, an administrative building, laboratory facilities, sanitary facilities and teachers’ quarters.

The Prime Minister informed the authorities to promptly formulate proposals and plans for the education of the children without allowing these resources to be destroyed.

Deputy Minister of Housing T.B. Sarath, Polonnaruwa District Parliamentarian Padmasiri Bandara, Polonnaruwa District Parliamentarian Sunil Rathnasiri, Secretary to the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education Nalaka Kaluwewa, Governor of the North Central Province Wasantha Jinadasa, Polonnaruwa District Secretary Sujantha Ekanayake and other officials were present for the observation.

Prime Minister’s Media Division

අපේක්ෂාවේ වේදිකා මංගල්‍යය

බුද්ධශාසන, ආගමික සහ සංස්කෘතික කටයුතු අමාත්‍යාංශය යටතේ ක්‍රියාත්මක ටවර් හෝල් රඟහල පදනම 05 වැනි වරටත් සංවිධානය කළ "අපේක්ෂාවේ වේදිකා මංගල්‍යය" ’ටවර් නාට්‍ය උළෙල’ පෙබ, 11 දින ටවර් හෝල් රඟහල පදනමේ සභාපති අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ආචාර්ය හරිනි අමරසූරියගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් මරදාන ටවර් හා එල්ෆින්ස්ටන් රංග ශාලා කේන්ද්‍ර කරගනිමින් ආරම්භ කෙරිණ.

නාට්‍ය රසවිඳීම සඳහා ගුණාත්මක ප්‍රේක්ෂකාගාරයක් නිර්මාණය කිරීම, නාට්‍යකරුවන්ගේ ආදායම් මට්ටම වැඩිදියුණු කිරීම, නාට්‍ය ප්‍රවර්ධනය කිරීම හා නාට්‍ය පිළිබඳ පුළුල් සමාජ කථිකාවතක් ගොඩනැඟීම අරමුණු කරගනිමින් මෙම උළෙල සංවිධානය කෙරේ.

මෙවර නාට්‍ය උළෙලේදී පුරා දින 10ක් තුළ දිගු නාට්‍ය 14ක්, කෙටි නාට්‍ය 12ක් හා ළමා නාට්‍ය 08ක් වශයෙන් නාට්‍ය 34ක් දර්ශන වාර 68ක් වේදිකාගත කෙරේ.

නාට්‍ය උළෙල පැවැත්වෙන දින 10 පුරාවට ටවර් කලා ශිල්පීන් දෙපළක් බැගින් ශිල්පීන් 20 දෙනකුට ජීවිතයේ එක් වරක් පමණක් හිමිවන ’ටවර්’ උපහාර සම්මානය හා මූල්‍යමය තිළිණ පිරිණැමෙන අතර එහි පළමු සම්මාණය ප්‍රවීණ කලාකරු විජේරත්න වරකාගොඩ වෙත අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ආචාර්ය හරිනි අමරසූරිය අතින් පිරිනැමිණ.

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය