JICA to continue assistance to Sri Lanka

Special Advisor to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Dr. Shinichi KITAOKA assured that JICA would continuously assist Sri Lanka. He said this during a discussion with Secretary to the Prime Minister Anura Dissanayake at the Prime Minister’s Office in Colombo on Monday (Dec 11).

Dr Shinichi Kitaoka, former President of JICA is on a visit to Sri Lanka to ascertain the development requirements to plan future assistance programmes and projects. He expressed satisfaction over Sri Lanka’s success in overcoming the economic crisis to get back the economy back on rails. He added that JICA focuses its assistance on uplifting the agriculture and fishing industries, developing rural communities and expanding social services related to education and health.

Mr Dissanayake conveyed Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena’s high appreciation to JICA for implementing a wide range of projects across the country benefiting all Sri Lankans since 1981. JICA efforts in strengthening infrastructure, expanding social services, developing human resources and rural communities, enhancing small and medium scale enterprises and in launching disaster management and climate change initiatives have largely sought to boost the country’s overall economic growth and development.

Ambassador of Japan Mizukoshi Hideaki, Ms. Tomoko ONO, Assistant Chief Secretary, Office of JICA President, Tetsuya YAMADA, Chief Representative, JICA Sri Lanka Office, Ms. IMAI Kaori, Second Secretary of Japanese Embassy and Advisor to Prime Minister, Sugeeswara Senadhira took part in the discussion.

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