Even in the face of the economic crisis, the current government protected the public servants. - Prime Minister

The Grama Niladhari Service Minute will be implemented within the next few months.

The Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena said that the Grama Niladhari Service Minute will be implemented within the next few months. Further he stated that even in the face of the economic crisis,the current government protected the public servants .The Prime Minister expressed these views at the Gampaha District Progress Review Meeting of the National Integration Participation Development Program “Aluth Gamak - Aluth Ratak” held at the Gampaha District Secretariat on 06.12.2023.

Speaking on this occasion the Prime Minister stated that-

Last year we faced an unprecedented economic and financial problem. Though it is politically good or bad, the government has admitted that our country has confronted with a financial crisis. Accordingly, discussions were held with international organizations. This is not the first time that Sri Lanka has gone towards I. M. F. and World Bank. Every government worked with them.

Malaysia faced this kind of economic collapse. Today there is a developed economy in Malaysia, which revived the economy by developing the entire Government sector. Likewise even European countries collapsed. I remember the first decision made there. Initially Greece sent half of its public servants to their homes. They informed pensioners that they could not pay for them. But we didn’t do that.

We informed I.M.F. and the World Bank strongly as a government that we are not moving towards that solution. Accordingly, all government employees have been able to continue their services.

There are 14000 Grama Seva Divisions. We are taking necessary steps to bring the Grama Niladhari Service Minute in a few months. Let us work together with the priority of leading the country to continuous economic growth.

There are several government officers in a Grama Seva division. They are bound to implement the development committee plan as a district under the Government Agent in accordance with the instructions given by the development committee leaders of the government. It is necessary to establish a rural development plan. Many important facts were revealed here. We hope that every Grama Seva Divisions will increase the production compared to last year. Investments can be done in the fields of food production, other industrial crops, raw materials or assembling industries. We are sure that this year 2024 will definitely be a year of economic growth.

We must now enter into the preparation of development plans by collecting the information of each village. A new country, a new village (Aluth Gamak -aluth Ratak) program was introduced to increase production, create new and diverse fields as the main focus of a development plan. We have started to become self-sufficient in terms of food. Every village cannot be self-sufficient in every aspect.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have agreed to allocate a special allocation for the elderly. There should be a continuous increase in allowances for the elderly. It is for this purpose that the expenditure headings in the budget have been increased.

We are committed to cover the elderly and those who are suffering from other illnesses. The Government Agent can bring the information from every district and consolidate the information. Therefore, with this information, we should intervene to cover all the disabled, elderly, diseased and disabled people in the district. We are in the public service.

Financial provision has been allocated in the budget to ensure lifelong career and training for the children who leave after completing their education. The need to identify and deal with those programs is recalled again.

The Government sector cannotcover all the aspects. So the support of the private sector is required. The joint ventures that can be created by inviting foreign investments can further develop the economy. Government officials should intervene to act carefully.

Ministers Prasanna Ranatunga, Nalin Fernando, Western Province Governor Roshan Gunathilaka, State Ministers Janaka Wakkumbura, Ashoka Priyantha, Indika Anuruddha, Sisira Jayakodi, Prasanna Ranaweera, Members of Parliament Sahan Pradeep, Kokila Gunawardena, Upul Mahendra Rajapaksa, Milan Jayathilaka, Yadamini Gunawardena, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration Ranjith Ashoka, Western Provincial Secretary Pradeep Yasaratne, Gampaha District Secretary Saman Darshana Padi Korala and other government officials participated in this event.

Prime Minister’s Media.